2. Welcome & Introductions, Chris King, President, Ontario East
3. Enbridge-Local Solutions to the Energy Transition, Steven Rogers, Manager
Operations, EGI Eastern Region
4. Northumberland County Highlights, Projects, Successes
5. Ontario East Update, Jay Amer, Executive Director, Ontario East
6. Government Partner Updates:
Cyndy Palleske, Executive, Director Community Futures Eastern Ontario
Lynne Groulx, Director, Business Advisory, MEDJCT
Kim DeKlein, Team Lead, East & North Regions, OMAFRA
Mike Temple, Regional Program Manager, MLTSD
(Additional Partner Updates to be confirmed)
7. Member Updates & Networking, followed by Lunch
8. Ontario Agri-Food Venture Centre Tour, 216 Purdy Road, Colborne ON K0K 1S0
Registration is free but space is limited. So, sign up quickly for what will be an informative session, as we continue to move back to a more normal state of engagement!
Wednesday, September 14th to Friday, September 16th
Nav Centre, Cornwall
Ontario East is pleased to announce that the Ontario East Municipal Conference (OEMC) is scheduled to be held in-person on September 14-16, 2022 at the NAV Centre in Cornwall.
Please click HEREfor details and information regarding the Call for Speakers for OEMC 2022. The deadline for session submissions has been extended to April 15.
We invite you to forward the Call for Speakers to any other individuals or organizations you feel would make a contribution to this great event.
Check out the OEMC website for the most up-to-date details regarding this year's event.
Support OEMC and take advantage of the many opportunities to access OEEDC Members and OEMC attendees. Each year our delegates comprise a diverse group of elected officials, economic development professionals, entrepreneurs, municipal service providers, private sector business leaders and provincial ministry representatives. We have created a variety of sponsorship options to fit the range of marketing objectives and level of investment of our supporters.
Spring 2022 Agriculture Economic Development Training Webinars
Part 1 Mar 30, 2022 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Part 2 Apr 13, 2022 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
This interactive webinar training will: • Share key agriculture economic development concepts • Introduce the range of agriculture economic development activities your community can explore • Give you tools to develop a plan for agricultural economic development in your community • Provide an overview of the Agriculture Economic Development guide and its three stages: Plant, Grow and Harvest.
Who should attend: Economic developers, land-use planners, municipal councils and community leaders who want to explore agriculture as an economic development opportunity are encouraged to register.
Life-saving bubble detectors from Chalk River recognized by
US Space Tech Hall of Fame
By Sarah MacFarlane, Ottawa Business Journal, March 7, 2022
Chalk River’s Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) has been inducted into the US Space Technology Hall of Fame for a unique technology used to detect radiation and explosives for more than three decades.
The “bubble detector” produced by BTI is designed to detect harmful radiation and protect both astronauts in space and people on Earth from the risks of exposure to radiation.
The honour follows the bubble detector’s use in over two dozen space missions through the Canadian Space Agency, assessing radiation risks in outer space, as well as the use of thousands of detectors here on Earth.
Province to launch Strategic Agri-Food Processing Fund
North Gower — The Ontario government is investing up to $25 million over two years to build up the province’s food processing capacity. The new Strategic Agri-Food Processing Fund Program, which was announced in the 2021 Fall Economic Statement, to increase the province’s food processing capacity, strengthen its food security and position the agri-food sector for economic growth, will launch on April 1, 2022.