Ontario East Quarterly Meeting and Networking Event
9:30am to 1:30pm (with tour to follow),
Friday, December 8, 2023 in Kingston
Registration will open soon and the agenda will include special guest speakers on current topics of interest with a focus on manufacturing, business support and funding programs. The meeting will conclude with a tour of Canada Royal Milk ULC after lunch.
Hope to see you there!
Labour Market Inclusion For Underrepresented Groups
in Lanark County
8:30am to 12:00pm, Tuesday, October 17, 2021
Smiths Falls Memorial Community Centre
71 Cornelia Street West Smiths Falls
This free labour market forum, organized by Algonquin College in partnership with United Way East Ontario, Lanark-Renfrew Labour Market Group and Lanark-Renfrew Local Immigration Partnerships, will focus on solutions to increasing the participation of underrepresented populations in the rural workforce; including people with disabilities, newcomers, Indigenous peoples, older workers, youth, sole support parents, etc.
What You Need to Know About Uses Permitted in Prime Agricultural Areas Training Session
10:00am to 12:00pm, Thursday, November 2, 2023
The Agriculture Economic Development and Planning Community of Practice is hosting a training session on permitted uses in prime agricultural areas.
Diversification creates economic opportunities for farm operators and their families, stimulates the rural economy through jobs and increased tax base, and fosters awareness and appreciation of agriculture.
The Leeds Grenville Economic Development Office, in partnership with Michael Barrett M.P., Hon. Steve Clark, M.P.P., the 1000 Islands, Grenville and Valley Heartland Community Futures Development Corporations and the Eastern Workforce Innovation Board, invite you to the region’s top Economic Development event of the year on Friday, November 17th.